Monday, 25 March 2013

Miley Na Miley Hum

Miley Na Miley Hum Rating:  1.83/5

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Miley Na Miley Hum Movie Review

 Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Rajeev Masand Site:IBNLive
Kangana Ranaut, her mangled accent aside, is the only bright spot in Miley Naa Miley Hum, a film so dreadfully dull, you’ll have to check your pulse when the lights come back on to find out if you’re still breathing.The film is a waste of time and money on the part of those who made it and those who’re brave enough to watch it. I’m going with one-and-a-half out of five for Miley Naa Miley Hum. It’s the kind of film that critics must suffer so you don’t have to!
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  Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Taran Adarsh Site:BollywoodHungama
MILEY NAA MILEY HUM may not be the most engaging movie, but it has moments that tick. And it is these moments that elevate it to the watchable movie-going experience. The portions between the estranged parents [Kabir Bedi, Poonam Dhillon] hold your attention, while the under-nourished romantic track and a predictable climax [why do all films depicting a sport -- PATIALA HOUSE, SPEEDY SINGHS and now this -- have a happy reunion on the pitch/field?] are a compromise, from the writing point of view. On the whole, MILEY NAA MILEY HUM is an absorbing fare with decent merits. A light-hearted entertainer that's an easy watch.
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesOfIndia
Now Miley Na Miley  Hum 's been in the limelight for debutant Chirag Paswan. And he has managed to pull off a decent show for starters. But then one can't really do much -- even if it's a newcomer -- when the script is a compilation of been there and seen that moments.Don't really go looking for logic or something new in here. And don't even go looking for some high end drama. Kangna once again lives up to her Tanu weds Manu comic avatar.Dunno if it's daddy-with-the-dough's efforts to promote the son he's doughnuts about, but to be fair, it's an honest debut and Chirag may have a future if he makes the right choices.
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Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Ankur Pathak Site:Rediff
Miley Na Miley Hum is a film where nothing works, and nobody benefits (that is, if you don't count random product-placements). If you find lines like "Sushi is kacchi macchi" funny, or want to watch the noble game of tennis being massacred, this one's for you. And if you're turned on by unsympathetic characters creating conflict for no reason at all, watching Bigg Boss might be cheaper
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Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Shubhra Gupta Site:IndianExpress
The kindest thing I can say about ‘Miley Naa Miley Tum’ is that it is not a disaster.The debut feature of Chirag Paswan, son of Ram Vilas, is the kind of film that merely made me want to sink into my seat, every so often.
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Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Mayank Shekhar Site:HindustanTimes
The mom (Poonam Dhillon) wants him to date her London buddy's daughter. Their nights out make for lead story on front page of The Times of India. As is everything else they do. Divorced dad wants his boy to marry a pretty Punjabi girl from the pind. That, by the way, is the central conflict in a film also about sport .Tennis champ “Chirag baba” claims to be in love with a fashion model instead. He’s never quite met her. Daddy, mommy are after this girl. He pays her Rs 20 lakh a day, for 20 days, to carry on with the pretense of being in love with him. That model's Kangna Ranaut. Reports in trade circles suggest she was paid Rs 5 crore to do this movie. Anybody should be.
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