Wednesday 20 March 2013


Overall Rating: 2.5/5

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List of Kites Movie Reviews

Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Rajeev Masand  Site:IBNLive

Scripted by as many as four writers (one is credited for story, three for screenplay), Kites is woefully predictable and ridiculously repetitive, even as the film's second half is punctuated by long-winded chases across the stark Mexican desert and elaborate shootout scenes that always seem to end with J escaping from his pursuer by the skin of his teeth. Kites has the look and feel of a sumptuous A-grade Hollywood production, combined with the cheese factor of a Bollywood B-movie - caricaturish villains, clunky dialogue, and over-sentimental back-stories about dead parents. I'm going with three out of five for director Anurag Basu's Kites. Watch it because it's an ambitious, brave experiment that may not always work, but it tries. Which is more than what one can say about many films we've seen recently.
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Taran Adarsh Site:BollywoodHungama

The million dollar question is, does KITES fly high? Let me hit the nail on the head: The film has some terrific moments and of course, Hrithik Roshan's star power to cast a spell, but it has plenty of low moments. In fact, KITES could've been a cult film, but its writing relies too heavily on clichés and formulaic stuff and that, frankly, throws a spanner. KITES is visually stunning and makes a sweeping impact, but it totters in its writing department.Final word? KITES will meet with diverse reactions, but the one unanimous thing that it will gather in abundance would be the immense praise for this matchless actor called Hrithik Roshan. He alone is worth the price of the ticket and more. Wish I could say that for the film in entirety!
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Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesOfIndia 

Where's the chemistry? Where's the story? And where's the twist in the tale? Kites could have been that cross-over film that Bollywood has been dreaming about since long. Sadly, it flounders even before it can take off and soar.... So what's holding it down? First and foremost, the film completely lacks a story  and unfolds as an unabashed chase film. Nothing wrong with that, for we have had a number of road movies that have thrilled and chilled us. But for that, there has always been a twist in the tale to provide an edgy feel to the film. Kites, on the other hand, does have Hrithik and Barbara spending the second half of the film as fugitives on the run, but their journey is so predictable, it fills you with a yawn.So what works in Kites? It's the look of the film which carries it forward. Director Anurag Basu may have dipped in the emotional quotient of the film but he does create a visual feel and texture that has an international feel to it. Watch Kites for its kool looks. But don't expect the popcorn to remain crunchy for long.
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 Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Khalid Mohammed Site:Passionforcinema
To put it more politely, though, this manically hyped roam-com is a vast let-down: as redundant as flying those titular kites without manja. How the background score grates with its pump-up-the-volume band baaja.Meaning the ouchcome is hardly a cool-crackling fiesta; it is a misconceived enterprise at best to crisscross over to the international market. Once Bombay-produced cinema prided itself in using Hindustani language. Out here, most of the dialogue is in English, Spanish (subtitled) and gobbledygook. Honestly, you have to be a multi-linguist to know what exactly is going yawn.Be that as it may, you might still ask, but the plotline must have something to proffer. Kaho na story hai? Sorry, if there is one, it’s replete with cheesy coincidences, mind-spinning implausiblities, senseless killings and heisted material from more movies than you can count on your toes and fingers.Bottomline:  Save yourself your multiplex money, fly a kite instead. Much more entertaining that.
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Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Raja Sen Site:Rediff

Yes, I said experiment. Because while this is pure popcorn, it's not the popcorn you were expecting. Kites moves drastically away from tried and tested Bollywood formulae... and straight into a Hollywood masala template: Attractive yet mismatched people in the midst of mayhem, falling in love against all odds, the kind of thing playing right now on three movie channels.Except, in this version, Matthew McHrithiky is a bit of a crybaby. Yup, it's a standard-issue Hollywood actioner, laced with bucketloads of tears and overwhelmingly high-octane background score. Actiomelodrama? Clearly these two starstruck romantics have eyes that talk louder than their tongues, but we as an audience aren't as blessed, and liable to cry foul. In whatever language we can.
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Anupama Chopra Site:NDTV

The second half of Kites has way too much of the son who chases his fiancée and her new lover over stunningly stark new Mexico landscapes. There is one particularly weak shoot-out between cops and bounty hunters, which feels like a left over from B-grade American television and an over- stylised climactic shoot-out in the rain, which echoes Sam Mendes’ Road to Perdition.This is a real shame. Kites is sumptuously produced, painstakingly crafted and in its own way, ambitious. The Roshans and Basu are trying to stretch the boundaries of the Bollywood love story.Hrithik Roshan is spectacular. And yet the film doesn’t become more than the sum of its parts because the second half is flat and in places, outright foolish.Still I recommend that you see Kites. It’s far from brilliant or even fully satisfying but it’s easily one of the better Bollywood films I’ve seen this year.
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 Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Komal Nahata Site:KoiMoi
The story (Rakesh Roshan) is ordinary but it has two good angles – one, that the partners of a brother-sister duo fall in love with each other and elope, and secondly, the lovers do not have a common language to converse in. However, the screenplay, written by Anurag Basu, Robin Bhatt and Akarsh Khurana, is so poor that the drama just doesn’t move ahead. However, even before one comes to the flaws in the screenplay, one must mention that probably the biggest drawback of the film is that 90% of it is in English and Spanish with very little Hindi thrown in. The writers have made Jay speak mostly in English although he knows Hindi too. As for Natasha, she speaks fluent Spanish and broken English. On the whole, Kites is a disappointment. Its English-Spanish dialogues on the one hand and lack of romance, emotions and comedy on the other hand will keep the audience hugely dissatisfied.
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  Ratings:3.5/5 Reviewer:Gaurav Malani Site:Indiatimes
Though the story of ‘Kites’ comes from old school (read: There’s nothing new about this plot), the modern day cinematography, choreography, direction and editing make this one worth a watch. Hrithik Roshan and Barbara Mori live upto the hype that has been created. Their on-screen chemistry is one to watch out for. Anurag Basu’s direction takes ‘Kites’ to a different level altogether. He has excelled behind the camera, and the neat, crisp editing has complemented the film. ‘Kites’ is worth a watch...
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 Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Shubhra Gupta Site:IndianExpress
`Kites’ comes by itself, trying to coast on a polyglot mix : a tawny-chested Bollywood superstar, a bronzed-skinned Mexican beauty, and a few other people of indeterminate origin. But despite its global trappings, the beautifully shot `Kites’ is basically really old wine in a sort-of new bottle, in a script which doesn’t quite know whether it wants to be an old-fashioned `prem kahani’, or a new style romance, and ends up being neither. Kites’ is a good-looking disappointment.
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