Thursday 21 March 2013

Peepli Live

Overall Rating: 3.83/5

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List of  Peepli Live  Reviews (Also See Peepli Live Trailer)

Ratings:3.5/5 Reviewer:Rajeev Masand  Site:IBNLive
A scathing satire on the country's apathy towards the rural class, and specifically towards farmers, 'Peepli Live' employs a comic tone to tell a serious story. The witty script turns Natha into something of a local celebrity, who draws out the true character and motivations of all those who cross his path.Helped enormously by a rousing soundtrack, armed with a tight, intuitive script and a confident directorial approach, Rizvi turns 'Peepli Live' into a simplistic yet engaging picture of a sad reality. I'm going with three-and-a-half out of five for writer-director Anusha Rizvi's 'Peepli Live'. It's an unusual story told in a bittersweet voice. Watch it because it's an important story and because it's made with heart.
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Ratings:4.5/5 Reviewer:Taran Adarsh Site:BollywoodHungama
Peepli Live lampoons an entire range of usual suspects – voyeuristic media persons, smarmy bureaucrats, scheming local-level political goons and self-serving rulers, all of whom want a piece of the sleepy village where a farmer is about to kill himself so that his family can survive. Thanks to the film's nifty blend of humour and bathos, it does not slip into diatribe mode. It instead acquires the spiky edge of a pulsating yet biting satire.However, that is the least of the many reasons why Peepli Live should rank among one of the best film made in India since the new millennium began. It has its heart in the right place, and it's a heart backed by a ticking mind.
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Ratings:4/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesOfIndia 

Peepli Live, a small little film, that showcases the real India without glossing over the contradictions of our fumbling-bumbling democracy or getting overtly sentimental about garibi and the attendant grime that goes with it. Refreshingly, the film unfolds like a hard-hitting satire that turns its tongue-in-cheek gaze over almost all that's incongruous in contemporary Indian society: the rural rot, the yawning rural-urban divide, the vote-bank politics, the out-of-sync bureaucracy, the we-give-a-damn political class, the TRP-lusting media and the total insensitivity towards real people, real problems, real solutions for a real India. But by and large, Peepli Live is a lively and living document on the `other' India, that lives beyond the neon lights and the cruising metros. Another ace up Aamir Khan's sleeve! This time as producer of a film that has loads to say, without being boring and didactic.
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Khalid Mohammed Site:PassionforCinema

The Aamir Khan produced-and-massively-promoted Peepli [Live], directed by journalist Anusha Rizvi, comes with a three-pronged agenda: to examine farmer suicides, snipe at the media exploitation of the tragedies, and expose the moronic attitude of the local and central government powers-that-be. Result: a  commendable probe into the wastelands of  India, where life comes cheaper than a water-pump or a discounted-rate television set. Bravo, Ms Rizvi, for electing to touch upon the subject of  rural-deprivation Above all, the most valuable effect of Peepli [Live] is that it makes you care, the way your feel the helplessness of the virtual skeleton, a labourer digging away for mud, or for the hysterical mother sucking at a bidi demonically.Bottom words: Do visit this Peeplidom..especially if you relish reality bytes.
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Ratings:3.5/5 Reviewer:Komal Nahata Site:Koimoi
 The satirical film then takes a more serious turn with the writer, Anusha Rizvi, underlining the great divide between rural and urban India and the unfortunate loss of identity of thousands of farmers.Anusha Rizvi’s script is a good satire on the state of affairs in India. It exposes beautifully the way in which everybody who can, takes advantage of anything including a person’s helplessness and impending death! No doubt, the film is a satire, and satirical films hold appeal more for the class and city-based audiences, but the film makes no pretension of trying to target the large mass base. Often times, the humour is tongue-in-cheek and aimed at the classes rather than the masses.
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 Ratings:4/5 Reviewer:Sukanya Verma Site:Rediff
What is it about this film that appealed most to you?.They've portrayed harsh reality of farmer suicide without being melodramatic or condescending. I am with you on that. For all its engaging wit, every scene and close-up is a compelling study or an untold story. Bottom-line: Peepli [Live] is a well-researched, brilliantly-written and effectively documented creation that hasn't negotiated its wry vision for big screen. I'd go to the extent of saying it's the best Hindi film I've seen this year. And I honestly don't think whatever is left of 2010 could offer anything better to contest that.That will be four stars and an appeal for tax-free.
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 Ratings:4/5 Reviewer:Saibal Chatterjee Site:NDTV
Peepli Live lampoons an entire range of usual suspects – voyeuristic media persons, smarmy bureaucrats, scheming local-level political goons and self-serving rulers, all of whom want a piece of the sleepy village where a farmer is about to kill himself so that his family can survive. Thanks to the film's nifty blend of humour and bathos, it does not slip into diatribe mode. It instead acquires the spiky edge of a pulsating yet biting satire.Rizvi collates elements from the theatre of the absurd to craft her sly portrait of a grim scenario that urban Indian moviegoers are rarely, if ever, exposed to.However, that is the least of the many reasons why Peepli Live should rank among one of the best film made in India since the new millennium began. It has its heart in the right place, and it's a heart backed by a ticking mind.
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Ratings:3.5/5 Reviewer:Aniruddha Guha Site:DNA
Peepli Live, though a highly commendable effort, lacks the bite you would expect from a film that makes a comment about contemporary India. The message is strong but doesn’t hit you with the force you expect it to. This could be deliberate, given that the film underplays the histrionics15. and keeps the tone light, probably to reach out to a larger audience.But while the humour falls short at times, the drama doesn’t keep you hooked consistently either. The film, then, becomes a sort of in-between, leaving you impressed but unaffected.Peepli Live should have been a surprise package. But given the marketing blitzkrieg that preceded it, it ends up as something that probably falls a wee bit short of what you imagined it to be.Nonetheless, pay a visit to Peepli. The film is among the most courageous you have seen in a long time.
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Ratings:4.5/5 Reviewer:Pankaj Sabnani Site:Glamsham
The gloomy issue of farmers' suicide has been brilliantly executed in a light-hearted satire. It's entertaining and at the same time poignant. At no point does it become preachy or goes over-the-top in its narration. Although the core issue is the farmer's suicide, Anusha Rizvi touches many a pain areas through her excellent script and narrative. It takes a dig on the news hungry media, scheming politicians and the complex government schemes. It literally shows how politicians and media don't want to address the issue but want to encash it for their own benefit. PEEPLI [LIVE] is a brilliant satire which is riveting and heartfelt. Most importantly, it makes you think, and rethink. After LAGAAN this could be yet another journey for producer Aamir Khan all the way to the Kodak Theatre. Surely worth having a 'peep'.
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