Thursday 21 March 2013

Life Express

Overall Rating: 1.5/5

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List of Life Express Reviews

Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Taran Adarsh Site:BollywoodHungama

The issue - surrogate motherhood - isn't new, but if handled expertly, it would make for an interesting viewing. Sadly, LIFE EXPRESS fails and fails miserably. The serious issue has been tackled carelessly, callously and amateurishly and for this reason, it comes across as an exercise in boredom. In fact, the film falls flat at the screenplay level itself and since the direction [Anup Das] is equally unimaginative, even the talented actors in the cast fail to redeem the enterprise.  The director had a solid plot on hand, but first the writer ruins it with an impoverished screenplay and subsequently, the director wrecks it by showing no maturity, as far as execution of the material is concerned. On the whole, LIFE EXPRESS is a lifeless experience.
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Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesOfIndia 
We have no problems with the premise of the film. After all, the dilemma between fulfilling hard-headed career goals and meeting the demands of gender role play (playing perfect wife and super mom) confronts many an alpha woman today. Hence successful banker, Rituparna Sengupta's choice of opting for a womb on hire ( Divya Dutta), until she has the time -- and the inclination -- for being a biological mother, doesn't seem so alarmist to us.Apart from the regressive tenor, the film takes a turn into no-man's land in the second half. Sad, because it actually begins on an interesting note, where it captures the highs and lows of an overworked urban couple trying their best to balance home and career. But post-interval, it bullock-carts into a village, peopled with starving, jobless folk who sell their wombs to feed their children. Totally unnecessary, this sob story on rural decay. End result? Life Express is a confused attempt that doesn't know whether to celebrate the modern woman or condemn her. We'd suggest, you celebrate her success and her choices.
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