Thursday 21 March 2013


Overall Rating: 3.1/5

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List of Antardwand Reviews

 Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Taran Adarsh Site:BollywoodHungama

Cinema lovers are thirsting for novel and untold stories and ANTARDWAND is a applaud-worthy film that fills the void. Real, disturbing and shocking, ANTARDWAND, reportedly based on a true story, is a power-packed film. If you crave for new stories and often complain that Hindi films have started stagnating, ANTARDWAND should be your pick this weekend.  On the whole, ANTARDWAND has a hitherto untold story to tell, which it tells most convincingly. Of course, a film like ANTARDWAND caters to a niche audience, who, I am sure, should praise the effort.Final word? The year 2010 has seen a number of 'small' or low cost films having a lot to offer in the dark confines of an auditorium. Now add ANTARDWAND to that list!
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Ratings:3.5/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesOfIndia 
The film is supposedly based on a practice that is rampant in the backwaters of Bihar even today: Groom kidnapping. Indeed, a novel plot! But the novelty of the story isn't the only thing that makes Antardwand an engaging film. Director Sushil Rajpal tells his story with an authenticity and a touch of high drama that keeps you glued to your seats.The flavour of the language (Bihari at its best), the semi-urban setting that captures the picturesque backwaters beyond Patna, the flesh and blood characters and the dogged attempt to get-real, stay-real while taking up a topical issue lend Antardwand an original appeal. Like Peepli Live, here's another film that comes straight from the bowels of the `Other' India: one that lives beyond the neon-lit metros and is brimming over with People (Not) Like Us. Get real. Go for Antardwand. The film boasts of some fine performances  and has deservedly been applauded with the National Award for Best Film on social issues.
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 Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Khalid Mohammed Site:Passion4cinema

Gratifyingly FTII-trained Sushil Rajpal’s Antardwand is worth the trudge to the multiplex — if essentially for the eye-opening subject of bridegroom kidnappings in the Bihar badlands, where life is cheaper than the naarangi hooch swigged by those subsisting under the poverty line. Although technically jejune with the tempo slower than a bullock cart at key points, the outcome still arouses your curiosity, and admiration for its indie spirit. Warning: just because of its rural backdrop, don’t expect a Peepli Live. If at all, the film is closer thematically to say, Basu Chatterji’s Sara Akash (1969), which dealt with a bride adjusting to a world not of her choice.. or making. For its pro-woman stance and for exposing the inhuman customs of India Darkening, Antardwand deserves your hurrahs.
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 Ratings:3.5/5 Reviewer:Preeti Arora Site:Rediff
More than a social drama, Antardwand is actually a thriller merely because it's impossible to predict which direction the film will take. Thankfully, the film does not end in 'Bollywood' style.The film doesn't deviate from its storyline, and there are no subplots or forced humour. It has a tight script, and is edited well.Antardwand was obviously shot a while ago because Vinay Pathak appears quite portly. But it will, in all probability, be relevant even 10 years down the line.The film is certainly a must-watch.
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 Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:IANS Site:NDTV
Set in rural Bihar where nothing works except the law of the lawless, Antardwand takes the firm and gripping route to expose a hinterland-headline - the kidnapping of marriageable boys by desperate fathers of wannabe brides.The finale is self indulgent in its idealism. A society so breached by gender and caste biases cannot be lit up by a sudden beam of optimistic light. But no harm in trying. "Antardwand" is a commendable attempt to examine the underbelly of rural Bihar. It doesn't purport to shake up the status quo. The film only wants to remind us that we need to heal our collective social conscience before curing the discrepancies that feed into our dream of emerging from the darkness into the light.
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