Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Overall Rating: 1.94/5

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Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Rajeev Masand Site:IBNLive 
Generously inspired from the similarly harebrained-but-at-least-marginally engaging American B-movie "Shutter", which was itself a remake of a Thai original, Sivan's desi version borrows visual references from so many Japanese and Korean films it's hard to keep count.To be honest, there's not one scary moment in this film; in fact it's unintentionally hilarious.For a few good laughs, if nothing else, I recommend you revisit one of those old Ramsay films instead of this plodding bore.I'm going with one out of five for director Sangeeth Sivan's "Click". What's scary is that films like these get made!
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Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Taran Adarsh Site:BollywoodHungama
Although quite derivative, CLICK remains watchable for two reasons: The storyline is interesting [if you haven't watched any of the versions, of course] and the horror quotient is better than most horror films made in Bollywood. Also, the sound design is efficiently done. Of course, there's a flipside too. The film could've done with better special effects, could've been shorter [it tends to get repetitive at times], could've been fast-paced and could've also done without songs. Final words? Horror movie lovers shouldn't be disappointed! . On the whole, CLICK should appeal to the youth, especially those who love horror films.
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Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesOfIndia
She comes back from his past to haunt his present. But does she really create a scare, this crestfallen, sad little spirit who suddenly begins to peer at him from behind mirrors, under beds, inside closets and sobs tears of blood, wherever she goes? Not really. After a few initial jumps here and there in the beginning, you don't get the heebie-jeebies, simply because the director reveals too much, too fast. Also, the special effects are not quite state-of-the-art and images of the ghost walking upside down on the ceiling or clambering, head downwards, from a ladder, are actually cheesy. They don't chill your bones, as all horror films must do. The film works only in fits and starts. Shreyas does try hard to keep the momentum going, but the campy special effects leave a lot to be desired. Watch it for the twist in the tale in the end and some goosebumps in the beginning.
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Nithya Ramani Site:Rediff
Though a copy -- Click bears close resemblance to Masyuki Ochiai's Shutter, The Ring and The Grudge because of its look and graphics -- the film is watchable. Horror film buffs will enjoy Shreyas Talpade and Sadaa's performance.The story leading to an unusual climax is interesting. Another interesting aspect is that the film's hero is being haunted for no apparent reason. But he has a past and what happens to him in the end is justified.Sangeeth Sivan succeeds in keeping you engrossed for most of the film though a crisper ending would have been better.Overall, Click is a decent movie. Watch it for the good performances.
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Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Gaurav Malani Site:Indiatimes
Click is as barefaced a horror film can get with literal in-your-face thrill treatment. The spook strategy dates back to Ramsay days with white-faced ghosts popping out their white-eyeballs to colourless effect.The horror resorts to exaggerated spooky sequences that turn out to be a nightmare (literally). The writing is conspicuously contrived and scenes are stretched to extents that test the audiences’ patience. Comparatively the culmination is inventive and interestingly handled. To sum up, director Sangeeth Sivan lacks the technical finesse to handle the horror genre and ends up remaking an average story into an appalling film. Click seems to be as manipulative as photo-shopped images. It simply fails to click.
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Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Anupama Chopra Site:NDTV
How hard can it be to make a reasonably diverting horror film if all you’re doing is copying? Well, if you’re Sangeeth Sivan, the answer is: very hard. Sivan steals liberally from the 2008 Hollywood filmShutter, which itself is based on a Thai film, but he can’t even string together the material coherently. Click is just plain awful.Click might make you jump once or twice but mostly it’s a saga of unremitting boredom. Click is horrific in more ways than one.
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Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Sonia Chopra Site:Sify
Many of our filmmakers, quite unfairly, are certain the Indian audience isn’t ready for real horror - only embarrassingly bland thrills that pass off for scares. In Click, the scare quotient dips to a new low, matched only by Ramsay’s productions that were unintentionally comic.In our films, apart from the story, even the ghosts are prone to beating about the bush. If it’s revenge they’re looking for, they’ll first kill time blowing out candles and shaking furniture.At least, in Ram Gopal Varma and Vikram Bhatt’s scare-fests, you’re at the edge of your seat a couple of times. Here there’s no such moment. Predictable to the core, and copied from the 2008 English movie Shutter (a remake of an earlier Thai film), the story only plummets further into the bizarre.
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Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Mayank Shekar Site:Hindustantimes

The leading duo in this film imagines phantom images of a girl they knocked down in a car crash. They fled after the accident. The victim follows them around. She appears in pictures they click. You get the drift: she’ll appear, and then disappear. The audience will wait in anticipation. Hopefully.And then you watch how something this simple can so well be screwed up. Characters (psychic shrink, poet for a photo-shop owner, kooky parents, collegian rapists…) materialise from nowhere, and disappear accordingly. One commits suicide piercing a knife through his neck; the other, lies in bed with a charred face. There’s a back-story to every back-story. The rubbish never stops.
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