Monday, 25 March 2013

Mummy Punjabi

Mummy Punjabi Rating 1.37/5

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Mummy Punjabi Movie Review

  Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesOfIndia
: Family drama, anyone? Not really, if there is hardly any drama in this somewhat dysfunctional family of sorts where husband Kanwaljeet spends most of his time pouring over the changing fortunes of the stock market, wife Kirron gossips with garrulous maid, Divya Dutta, the sons follow their wive's bidding and the daughter futilely makes eyes at the boy next door.The problem with Mummy Punjabi lies in the fact that it is neither a comedy nor a serious film, just something in-between. Wonder who is the target audience!
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Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Jhinuk Sen Site:IBNLive

‘The tag line of 'Mummy Punjabi' says – 'Superman Ki Bhi Maa!'; be sufficiently warned – the movie is a dud of superhero caliber.Completely avoidable, unless you want some quite time in the dark hall, ‘Mummy Pujabi' is Chandigarh's lifestyle lessons delivered to you in a 'semi-Karan Johar-style'. However there are no hot actors, no exciting numbers, no stunning locales... Well no nothing except some good old fashioned values. The director should steer clear of movies and switch to soaps.
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 Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Shakti Salgaonkar Site:DNA
Mummy Punjabi has giggle-worthy moments, but the cast speaking straight-out-of-school-essays English completely ruins these moments and a wishy-washy plot ideal for a television serial only makes you cringe and cringe a little bit more.The film’s plot goes nowhere, the music is just about okay, the styling is horrid (brown knee length boots with a blue dress?), the dialogue is full of grammatical errors (Mummyji speaks *in* English apparently. Grrrr!).
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Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Daily Bhaskar Site:Dainik Bhaskar
Mummy Punjabi’ tries to tickle one's funny bone, by presenting a ‘New Age Mother India’ with grandeur and humour, but fails in its attempt. Except Kirron Kher, none of the characters have been etched out properly to leave a considerable mark. The plot is extremely chaotic and lacks any basic storyline. The over dramatic and melodramatic mannerisms of all the actors becomes irritating and the climax is unintentionally funny, though extremely inspiring. Not one scene in this cinematic rubbish comes close to making any sense.Nothing sums up ‘Mummy Punjabi,’ better than a brain-numbing movie with a mayhem stirring family drama. Add to this, outrageously bad acting by the supporting cast. This one's not recommended at all.
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