Wednesday 20 March 2013

Hide and Seek

Overall Rating: 2.14/5

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List of Hide and Seek Reviews

Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Rajeev Masand Site:IBNLive
Slasher flicks don't usually require layered scripts or characters with much depth. A serviceable plot is enough, as long as the filmmaker can strum up enough tense moments to keep viewers suitably intrigued. Hide & Seek, a Bollywood slasher film in the vein of I Know What You Did Last Summer, adheres faithfully to the genre requirement,. What could have been a reasonably engaging thriller is ultimately neither scary nor entertaining. It is, in fact, a solid waste of time. I'm going with one-and-a-half out of five for debutant Shawn Arranha's Hide & Seek. Apart from the promising premise, there isn't a kind word I can think of for this one!
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Taran Adarsh Site:BollywoodHungama
Debutante director Shawn Arranha surprises you in his very first outing. It may not be the most captivating thriller you've watched, but there are moments that keep you hooked to the proceedings. Also, a suspense saga works if you continue to play the guessing game till the end and in this case, you can't tell who the culprit is. That is nothing short of a victory for this film! On the flip side, the making could've been better in terms of production values and at times, it does give an impression of being a rushed job as far as the writing is concerned. On the whole, HIDE & SEEK is a gripping suspense drama that keeps you guessing till its end. Go for it, if a good suspense thriller is what you're looking at!
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesofIndia
Reminiscent of the I Know What You Did Last Summer series, Hide and Seek follows a similar format of chasing a bunch of friends through time, in order to settle a few forgotten scores from the sordid past.The tangled web of relationships does unwind gradually to reveal undercurrents that lead towards death and denouement. And as the odd assortment of friends try to resolve their old differences, Santa Claus comes gunning for them from the dark shadows of the deserted mall. One by one, the group begins to crumble and the mystery peels, layer after layer.
There's enough pizzazz to keep the adrenalin pumping here.
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Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Anupama Chopra Site:NDTVMovies
The story, written by producer Apoorva Lakhia, is your standard-issue B-grade slasher film that Hollywood churns out by the dozens. Think of I Know What You Did Last Summer or Valentine. All blood-soaked stories about attractive young people.Slasher films aren’t about sparkling scripts but you need a semblance of characterisation if the viewers are to care about the leads before they are unceremoniously disposed of. But the characters in Hide and Seek are uniformly bland.The final nail in the coffin is the amateurish acting. Everyone shrieks and shakes a lot. And even otherwise reliable actors like Purab Kholi and Arjan Bajwa move into full blown hysterical mode. Hide and Seek could have been mildly diverting entertainment but it doesn’t make you scream or shiver.
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Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Mayank Shekhar Site:HindustanTimes
You couldn’t care less for these characters to bother with their bumbling back-story; never mind that the nuggets in the film itself don’t eventually add up.A group in an inexplicably nightmarish mess as this would pool in resources to figure a way out first. Not these happy campers.
They exchange gossip on the politics of their friendship instead. The jock picks up a Superman shirt to get out of the bathrobe. Others knock around stuff from the Ahmedabad mall’s shops that have glass-doors left welcomingly open for lifters of the night. The cokehead snorts some more coke; the ‘tapori’ does ‘timepass’ even more.And then, shhhh, a secret Santa follows. Dhadam, dhadam dhadam… It’s a whodunit. Ooo, gotcha ‘n’ all!
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Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Shubhra Gupta Site:IndianExpress
`Hide & Seek’ lets loose a bunch of childhood friends, now adults, in a mall over-run with all sorts of strange critters : a Santa with a sword, a foul-mouthed `tapori’, a confused soul who walks in his sleep ( he’s just come away from an institution after a long stay), a sleek-looking model, and a suave executive type. They have been deeply scarred by an event that happened while they were teenagers, and more than a decade later, someone bags each one of them, and gets them together in the mall. The idea, is, of course, vengeance.`Hide and Seek’ tries to be a Bollywood slasher film, but it doesn’t have the requisite thrill-and- chill factor. The end should have been a shocker. But, given the general loose tone of the film, it’s not.
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Mehul Thakkar Site:IBNMovies
To make a film on this genre, it takes some skills and efforts to unfold scenes which not only look unpredictable but also manage to scare you and Hide & Seek is a good biscuit to bite. The film might remind you of I Know What You Did Last Summer and its Hindi version Kuch to Hai not because of the story line but because of the killer's weird getup.There is no doubt that this small budget film does keep you on the edge of the seat till the climax when unfortunately the story starts losing its grip.It is worth a watch for the excellent storytelling only if you ignore the climax. The film certainly has its moments of chills and thrills.
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