Monday, 25 March 2013

Chala Mussaddi Office Office

Chala Mussaddi Office Office Rating 2.11/5

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Chala Mussaddi Office Office Reviews

Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Taran Adarsh Site:BollywoodHungama
CHALA MUSSADDI OFFICE OFFICE mirrors the current state of affairs in India. It's a statement on the work culture in government offices.On the whole, CHALA MUSSADDI OFFICE OFFICE releases at a time when corruption and bribery are piping hot topics, but the impact it ought to make is missing. Those who recall the tele-serial fondly may reconnect with the on-screen characters, but how one wishes the drama was as impactful. Bluntly put, the tele-serial was much, much better than the film!
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesOfIndia
In the celluloid version, Pankaj Kapoor once again proves what a fine actor he is as he carries forth the relentless struggle of the aam Indian against India's endemic bribe culture and official apathy. the inspirational part of the story lies in the fact that Mussaddi never gives up hope, nor does he succumb to the pressures of the system. The good news is Mussaddi isn't alone anymore. The Anna brigade is firmly behind him.
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 Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Preeti Arora Site:Rediff
Based almost entirely, on a decade-old TV series Office Office, Chala Mussaddi is the story of Mussadi Lal Tripathy. We don't doubt the director's noble intentions about exposing the rot which has become an integral part of our system due to corruption. It's his stance of taking the 'high road' we object to. There is a fine line between a political satire and a value education class. Rajiv Mehra and script writer Ashwini Dhir seem to have missed the point on this one.Chala Mussaddi is best avoided.
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 Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Shubhra Gupta Site:IndianExpress
Here Mussaddi Lal makes no such dramatic gesture, which is both a good thing, and a bad thing : high drama makes for interesting viewing even if you can’t quite see an old man stripping to make a point, but keeping a two-hour film engrossing on a single-thread plotline can lead towards repetition. Satire needs sharpness, or it can just end up as a stretched out sit-com : Mussaddi Lal is saying things we all need to hear, but the film manages to make the cut only some of the time.
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Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Saibal Chatterjee Site:NDTV
The pace of Chala Mussaddi is painfully sluggish despite the fact that the film isn't long at all. Thank God for small mercies.We've seen umpteen comedies about the hapless common man in the past. We've also been treated to many a cinematic indictment of exploitative public officials. Chala Mussaddi doesn't take us anywhere we haven't been before. Worse, it makes awfully rough weather of getting wherever it is headed. Avoid this trip if you value your time and money.
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Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Sujata Chakrabarti Site:IBNLive
There are several poignant questions asked by Mussadi throughout the film - questioning the unprofessionalism that is omnipresent in the corridors of government offices and buildings, but ultimately its overdose almost overshadows the genuine efforts of the actors in executing their characters.Chala Mussaddi Office Office is a feel-good attempt at pointing a finger at the convoluted labyrinths of the Indian bureaucracy and official paperwork but tends to get a tad bit preachy on the whole.
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 Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Aniruddha Guha Site:DNA
Some things are best enjoyed in small packages.Chala Mussaddi - Office Office is one such case.To begin with, the film runs out of steam in the first half hour, the humour getting repetitive after. Similar jokes served in small doses in weekly episodes were enjoyable, but stretched to an entire film they seem not so funny.A super performance by Pankaj Kapur aside -- he’s brilliant as usual -- there’s not much going for Chala Mussaddi. You’d rather stay home and watch reruns.
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Pankaj Sabnani Site:Glamsham
CHALA MUSSADDI OFFICE OFFICE initially seems like watching the serial Office Office on the big screen. It takes some time for the actual story to start. But once it does, you are completely involved with Mussaddi's crusade against corruption. Like A WEDNESDAY, it shows what difference a common man can make if he takes things in his own handsCHALA MUSSADDI OFFICE OFFICE is an effective satire that takes on the menace of corruption. Don't miss it.
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 Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Daily Bhaskar Site:Dainik Bhaskar
'Chala Mussaddi Office Office' is a good attempt at pointing out a finger at the corrupt Indian bureaucracy. It’s a good satire that tries to comment on the menace of corruption. But the film seems dragged beyond words.
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