Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Teen Patti

Overall Rating: 2.06/5

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List of  Teen Patti  Reviews

Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Rajeev Masand Site:IBNLive
The holes in the plot aside, Teen Patti suffers on account of careless direction. Can it really be so easy for two professors and their students to walk in and out of seedy gambling parlors without raising any suspicion.You're troubled by dozens of such howlers in a film that gets virtually nothing right. The dialogues are impossibly stupid, and passing off over-fed, gaudily-dressed junior artistes as millionaire gamblers is laughable to say the least. Directed by Leena Yadav, Teen Patti is an incoherent mess of logic-defying scenes that never come together as a fluid script.Shock that nobody associated with this film had the intelligence or the courage to turn around and say, "This sucks." At best, on a really boring day, this film might provide some unintentional comedy. For that alone, I'm going with one out of five for director Leena Yadav's Teen Patti . Formidable actors like Amitabh Bachchan and Ben Kingsley are cast together for the first time on screen in a film like this. We ought to be ashamed.
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Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Taran Adarsh Site:BollywoodHungama
TEEN PATTI is not only about gambling on table, but all those gambles that we take in our life. Bearing an uncanny resemblance to the Hollywood film 21, TEEN PATTI is akin to a roller coaster ride; if there are highs, expect the lows too. Leena Yadav's take on greed and deception has some defining moments, but the fact is that the writing lacks clarity. Let me explain. Probability is a very interesting theory in mathematics. But the problem is, is it easy to comprehend for the average viewer? Frankly, despite Leena's best efforts, only a handful of viewers will be able to comprehend the goings on and the theory of probability. Besides, the narrative is such that it caters to the intelligentsia mainly. For the average moviegoer, thirsting for entertainment, it has little to offer.
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Ratings:3.5/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesOfIndia
 Ready for a razor sharp teaser? Watch Teen Patti. The film is a taut thriller that's not only done with loads of style and attitude, it also showcases a fine ensemble cast of youngsters who represent the edginess of today's youth. And if that's not enough, there's further enticement in the character and currently in-form status of Amitabh Bachchan, who is hell bent on a second, third and fourth coming. After the mesmerising Auro in Paa, Amitabh's eccentric mathematical wizard who talks to Albert Einstein, when he's alone, is immensely watchable in Teen Patti.The second half does get somewhat repetitive, with the film refusing to move out of the gambling dens and the climax gets somewhat hurried. But majorly, the film holds as a taut thriller that keeps you glued for most of the screen time.
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Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Preeti Arora Site:Rediff
One of the most popular moves in Teen Patti is 'Blind'. But here, it seems director Leena Yadav was moving blindly in all directions.The script doesn't evolve, it just jumps jerkily from one level to another so that the director can take her story to a predictable end. Bachchan does his best but he's tied down with a clichéd script.The script is not the only place where the clichés abound. The underground gambling dens are garish and look straight out of Dev D. In fact, it is the acting prowess of the ensemble cast that gets you involved. As Kingsley and Bachchan share their life experiences, there is the sheer pleasure of watching two legends share screen space.Teen Patti is worth a watch just for these actors.
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Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Anupama Chopra Site:NDTV
I don't know much about math but I can safely say that in all probability you will not enjoy this film. Teen Patti is a train-wreck of a movie. It's incoherent, lengthy and worst of all, agonisingly pretentious. Director Leena Yadav takes the kernel of the story from the 2008 Hollywood film 21.In 21, the professor is a greedy, slime ball who uses his students but since here he is played by Amitabh Bachchan, plain wickedness won't do. So Yadav and her co-writer Shiv Kumar Subramanium add blackmail and sad student back-stories to justify the bad behavior. The result is an incredibly garbled tale of gambling and greed that finally ends in death and redemption.
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Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Gaurav Malani Site:Indiatimes
After playing with words in her last film Shabd, director Leena Yadav attempt to play with numbers in Teen Patti. Ignoring the practicality of the gambling game, the film starts on an interesting note with decent buildup to the plot. Leena Yadav shows ‘flashes’ of brilliance in showing the progression of the gambling racket from shady prohibited properties to elite classy parties. But with repetitive gambling episodes adding no new perspective to the film, the proceedings tend to get monotonous after a point. But where the film primarily fails is in clicking as a suspense flick. Teen Patti ends up being the kind of gamble that’s no big deal.
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Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Mayank Shekhar Site:HindustanTimes
Bachchan’s professor dreams up certain theories on probability. It is never made clear what they are. So the premise of the picture itself remains unknown. But he’s sure he can crack the game on any table. He and a few moronic college kids frequent gambling dens posing as hustlers, and bring home fair loot every night. Again, of course, we don’t know how.Merely notations denoting permutation, combination of sequences appear scribbled on the screen, and jutting out of the prof’s head. For an explanation he suggests: Man is a process, not an event. Sure. The old champion is blackmailed into performing tricks. Stakes go up. So do the scale of the dens they operate in. No kidding. This is the most elegantly lit (cinematographer Aseem Bajaj) rendition of pure gibberish that I’ve seen in a while
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Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Shubhra Gupta Site:IndianExpress
The two venerable gentlemen sit across a table, and allow the film to unfold in flashbacks, telling the story of the misunderstood prof and his little band of students, primed to read cards and signal in hand codes, and rake it in, until they run into unfactored equations. The trouble with `Teen Patti’ is not that we’re all too familiar with its central idea. It lies in the patchy way the plot is laid out, and in the characters who do not, at any point, feel completely filled out. In too many places, the design is allowed to scream for attention, overwhelming the people, and the action, such as there is.
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