Wednesday 20 March 2013

Pyaar Impossible

Overall Rating: 2.07/5

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List of Pyaar Impossible Movie Reviews

Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Rajeev Masand Site:IBNLive
To be entirely honest, I didn't quite understand what the film was trying to say in the first place. That beauty isn't skin deep and that there's more to love than just surface-level attraction?But why doesn't the same logic apply to his interest in her?Pyaar Impossible doesn't work because it's hard to empathize with any of the characters and because the actors fail to rise above the flawed script. It's back-breakingly long at two hours and twenty-odd minutes, and I can't remember one single scene that made me smile. The humour is ordinary, and the pre-climax romantic scene in a Mac store is the most embarrassing I can remember in recent times.For Salim-Suleiman's peppy music score alone, I'm going with one out of five for director Jugal Hansraj's Pyaar Impossible. Indeed, it's impossible to find much love for this film!
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Taran Adarsh Site:BolllywoodHungama
A love story works if you fall in love with the on-screen characters and also if it knocks on the doors of your heart. PYAAR IMPOSSIBLE does that. PYAAR IMPOSSIBLE may not be the ultimate romantic film, but you can't deny the fact that there's something about this film that stays with you, that you carry home... sorry, carry in your heart. PYAAR IMPOSSIBLE also works because its protagonists, Uday and Priyanka, deliver sparkling performances. No wonder, you get drawn in their world in a jiffy. Final word? Watch PYAAR IMPOSSIBLE if you are or even if you're not a romantic. It has its heart in the right place!
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesOfIndia
Bollywood -- and all fiction, for that matter -- believes impossible ain't a word when it comes to testing the power of love. Hence, the preponderance of the froggie-turned-into-a-Prince-Charming pyaar in fairy tale and folk lore. So we aren't really surprised when a hot and happening Priyanka Chopra sweetly declares she ain't no princess, just an ordinary girl and falls in love with Shrek's colonial cousin, Abhay the geekNothing stupendous here. Just a sweet and soppy flavour with a picture-perfect Priyanka: Watchable.
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 Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Sukanya Verma Site:Rediff
Pyaar Impossible isn't the kind of sensitive, layered romance between two unlikely individuals to summon such thoughts. It's, in fact, too harmlessly hollow to even think of going in this direction.Yes, Pyaar Impossible is exactly a film like that.Mushy on the surface but too cordial to tackle the delicate imbalance of its subject -- beautiful girl+ geeky boy=not the ideal recipe for romance or the heartbreakingly exaggerated concept of Prince Charming.Let down once again by a script that doesn't live up to her potential, Priyanka, to her credit, overcomes the dull spaces and predictable moments with her vibrant presence and coquettish enthusiasm.
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Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Anupama Chopra Site:NDTV
Pyaar Impossible is one of those superbly shallow films that manages to offend you on every level - as a viewer, as a woman, as a mother. This Notting Hill-style rom-com is singularly charmless and absolutely impossible.For most of the film though, Priyanka looks like a million bucks - it seems like Jugal and Uday have spent more time on her styling than the script. But for reasons unknown, she acts like a hyper teenager.Uday plays the nerd with absolute sincerity but it's hard to summon up any affection for him. And Dino seems to have decided that expression is a waste of time. His face just stays blank.Pyaar Impossible is depressingly dim-witted.
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Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Martin D Souza Site:Glamsham
Everything in this movie happens in the first 10 and the last 15 minutes.What really went wrong is that the script had no meat. With just a geek as a character and stolen software as a prop, you don't really care after a point because the director gives Abhay enough opportunities to say what he wants. He does not. How you wish the movie was just 25 minutes long. There are times you even feel that this movie has a ROADSIDE ROMEO hangover. Incidentally, Jugal Hansraj has directed both.

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Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Susan Jose Site:India-forums
Give two boys full of ideas (read Uday Chopra and Jugal Hansraj) loads of money and ask them to make a film. Pyaar impossible is what you get. The film, loaded with glamour, and the best of eye candy, fails to capture the audience's interest. You are waiting for the next scene not because you're curious as to what happens next but because the scene you're watching bores you. You want it to pass.However, the second half of the film is decent enough. You end up feeling not so bad to have shelled out your money on this one. The pace of the film too increases.Go for the film if you're a person who fits in any of the following categories: One, eye-candy Priyanka is reason good enough for you watch a film. Two, you'd rather take a tour of Singapore by watching a Bollywood movie shot there than actually going there. Three, you're a geek who is hopelessly in love with a hottie.
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