Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Overall Rating: 1.88/5

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List of Prince Movie Reviews

Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Rajeev Masand Site:IBNLive
Action thriller Prince is a marvelously moronic movie that uses visual effects to fake everything from stunt scenes and explosions, to hi-tech gizmos and even the Mumbai skyline. Why then, may I ask, must we endure all that over-the-top acting from leading man Vivek Oberoi and the rest of this film's dreadful cast, when the director could have given us virtual characters instead?
To be fair, the film's got a few hummable tracks, and some of the daredevil action scenes are exciting too, but in the end Prince might be worth a watch because it's one of those films that's so bad, it's good.I'm going with two out of five for director Kookie Gulati's Prince. Funnier than any comedy you've seen recently.
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Taran Adarsh Site:BollywoodHungama
What surprises you is that PRINCE is penned by the writer of RACE [Shiraz Ahmed] and like RACE, PRINCE too has several twists and turns every 15 odd minutes. But the twists and turns are a mixed bag here - captivating at times, not captivating at some places. But the difficult part is to keep the viewer's interest alive till the finale and that's where PRINCE starts crumbling. The second hour -  is exciting in bits and spurts. On the whole, PRINCE has great music, super stunts, Vivek Oberoi's bravura performance and terrific promotion as its trump card, but where it falters is in its writing [in its second half mianly]. Yet, all said and done, the film has the merits to strike a chord with the youth and lovers of masala movies.
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Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Nikhat Kazmi Site:TimesOfIndia

They reportedly took Rs 50 crores to make this film and can you believe it? They forgot to hire a story writer for it! So, what you end up with are endless action set pieces, interspersed with a few repetitive soliloquies by sundry people on a stolen coin and a micro chip that is the cause of all the jumping, leaping and running around. Why? Because they can enable the possessor to dominate the world. How? Dunno why.... To be fair, the stunts and the action (Allan Amin) is actually well crafted and have a Hollywood feel to them.It ain't crunchy anymore, unless you are strictly an action buff who can rest content with Vivek Oberoi repeatedly yelling, ``It's showtime!" before kicking ass, time and again. Thoda story mangta!
 Visit Site for More Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Preeti Arora Site:Rediff
The director has started out with the intention of serving old wine in a new bottle. It's worked before and if done in a clever, adept manner there is no reason why this formula should not succeed again. Dhoom and Dhoom 2 are classic examples which come to mind. But Prince is old wine dished out in an antiquated haphazard manner. Resulting in three hours of sheer torture.But the most crippling aspect of the film is the dialogue. The words cliched or hackneyed simply fail to convey the ridiculousness of the dialogue.There is just one aspect where the director has hit the target. Casting Vivek Oberoi as the amnesia-ridden, confused protagonist! Vivek doesn't have to act much just look lost and forlorn. He manages it admirably.All in all, this film is best avoided. Even Vivek Oberoi's ardent fans must give it a miss. They may no longer be his fans at the end of three hours.
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Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Anupama Chopra Site:NDTV
Prince is the funniest Bollywood movie I've seen this year. I laughed so hard that my sides hurt. Only I don't think that's the reaction debutant director Kookie V Gulati was aiming for.It's hard to say what's most ridiculous - the plot which has everyone chasing a coin which has the chip or the amount of posturing these actors are indulging in. Prince is a priceless experience. I recommend that you rent the DVD and enjoy it with a few good friends. I'm going with two stars because the film was such a great comedy, unintentional of course.
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Ratings:2/5 Reviewer:Renuka Vyavahare Site:Indiatimes
Sadly in age of pen-drives, writers take audiences for granted, scripting sci-fi stories beyond belief. More importantly this supposed thriller isn’t even intended to be a sci-fi. One would have attempted to overlook the cyborg credibility in the storyline had the film been steady in other departments. But Prince is marred with mechanical performances, standard stunt sequences (Allan Amin), repetitive cinematography shots (Vishnu Rao) and corny dialogues (Mayur Puri).
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Ratings:1/5 Reviewer:Shubhra Gupta Site:IndianExpress
The only thing a film like this is not allowed to do is to bore you. `Prince’ does it in spades, because it comes off as a retrofitted Hollywood actioner in Hindi : remember the Bond movies of yore?The best part of the film is the spectacular outdoors that we get to see when Prince is diving off roofs, and dropping off steep heights. The action just about passes muster, but there’s nothing pulse-quickening about it, and it’s all same old same old. The rest is a waste of the scenery.
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Ratings:1.5/5 Reviewer:Mayank Shekar Site:HindustanTimes
Tips, the music company, have now pumped in over Rs 50 crore on this star reborn. The hero is unlikely to have pocketed any chunk of those many crores. You can tell, the buck’s been entirely bamboozled on aerial shots, tumbling trucks, beach town locations, disaster sequences, and snazzy special effect. The makers could’ve handed over part of that cheque to John Woo as well, the director of Paycheck (2003). The supple inspirations are obvious. But that may be expecting a bit much.The hero zips around getting chased, while everyone’s chasing that super-chip. No explanation’s necessary. These are ‘producerial’ films: proposals, more than pictures.
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