Friday 16 May 2014

Godzilla Review

Godzilla Rating: 3.83/5

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Godzilla Movie Review

Ratings:4/5 Review By: Gavin Rasquinha Site: Times Of India 
The first half is a bit slow but the special effects are outstanding and when Godzilla appears, it does true justice to the epic scale, size and proportion of the monsters on screen. And yet, there is something oddly familiar about Godzilla. Those who have seen previous avatars of this scaly beast will immediately reconnect with that sense of speechlessness and rapt awe they felt when they saw Godzilla in their childhood. Godzilla's roar is not for the faint-hearted. This is a fantastic homage to monster movies of yore and is bound to go down as a modern classic. Go Godzilla!
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Ratings:3.5/5 Review By: Sukanya Verma Site: Rediff 
Still, the new Godzilla may not appeal to an impatient viewer looking for instant gratification nor will it overawe with its scale this soon after the Pacific Rim experience. What it does though is join the ranks of those envelope-pushing films that celebrate the legend of invincible, enormous creatures -- mythical, prehistoric or extra-terrestrial -- by respecting its iconic source and upgrading it with ingenious vision that harmoniously combines technological advancement and fanboy perspective. What next? Why King Kong versus Godzilla, of course!
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Ratings:4/5 Review By: Mihir Fadnavis Site: Mid Day
Edwards turns Godzilla into a road trip film instead of a standard issue disaster porno. Also like in Monsters, he puts most of the monster mayhem in the backdrop of the character buildup. Some might be pissed because it’s that kind of movie. As for me, I’m very glad that this is a Godzilla movie with a lot of heart, soul and a fairly decent helping of intelligence. The biggest surprise, however, is that fact that Godzilla is not just a Godzilla movie, but it is also the best Superhero movie of the summer.
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Ratings:-- Review By: A O Scott Site: NDTV/ NYTimes
People are thus somewhat incidental to the story, and their feelings - mostly fear and determination - are less interesting than those of the ancient giants, who in their slimy, scaly, computer-generated movements and expressions register rage and anguish with an intensity beyond what the humans can muster. And in Godzilla’s eyes you see something else, too: the desire, at long last, to be left alone.
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